Reince Priebus suggested Thursday night MSNBC is on "probation" with the Republican Party after the network's president apologized for an offensive tweet aimed at the GOP.
MSNBC President Phil Griffin apologized Thursday afternoon for a tweet the network posted Wednesday night that said the right wing might hate a Cheerios ad featuring a biracial family.
The apology came after Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, threatened to boycott the network by banning himself and Republican surrogates from appearing on the channel.
Priebus accepted Griffin's apology, but warned Thursday night on Fox News's "Hannity" that he'll keep an eye on MSNBC.
"It was the first time I talked to Mr. Griffin. He reacted pretty quickly. And now we have to stay on top of it. So you know what, it is sort of like being on probation, I guess," he said.
On Wednesday night, an MSNBC staffer posted the tweek, but the network quickly deleted it."Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family," it said, accompanying a link to a story about the ad.
Priebus said on Fox that this is just another instance of MSNBC's "intolerance" toward the GOP. Host Melissa Harris-Perry had to apologize recently about a segment in which she and her guests made fun of Mitt Romney's adopted black grandchild. Host Martin Bashir resigned from the network after extreme comments he made about Sarah Palin.
"it is pretty disgusting stuff," Priebus said of those examples on Thursday.
"They don't have a problem painting every Republican with a broad brush, and MSNBC have all this poison, we had had to call them out on it. And I'm happy they reacted."

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